Stardust Awards 2013 Winners Anushka Sharma was spotted in a cheery mood and was seen having fun at the event. She won the Best Actor (Female) for Comedy/ Romance for Jab tak hai Jaan, directed by the romance king, Late Yash Chopra. She considered herself to be lucky to have worked with Yashji. The winners of Stardust Awards 2013 has been announced. The awards ceremony is known for encouraging young talent in the industry. The superstar of tomorrow (male) award went to Arjun Kapoor for Ishaqzaade, while Parineeti Chopra walked…
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Awards leave Anushka Sharma speechless
Awards leave Anushka Sharma speechless Actress Anushka Sharma, who recently won an award for her performance in Jab Tak Hai Jaan, says delivering a thank you speech on the stage is a hassle for her. She won the best actor (female) for comedy/romance trophy at the recent Stardust awards here. “Whenever I get an award, I don’t understand what to say while receiving it on the stage. I have nothing to say. Sometimes, only because I get so hassled because of the speech, I say ‘don’t give me awards’,” the…
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