Anushka Sharma’s Valentine plans The pretty Anushka Sharma was spotted at an event held to launch the Valentine collection of a jewellry brand she endorses in Mumba. The actress looked hot in a sizzling red dress. Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love…
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Anushka Sharma Unveils Gitanjali’s Valentine Collection
Anushka Sharma Unveils Gitanjali’s Valentine Collection Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma on Thursday announced the “Season of Love” offer from Gitanjali Group and unveiled the new Valentine collection from Gili in Mumbai. “The best way to woo somebody is by giving her a diamond. This Valentine, the Season of Love offer gives you a chance to gift or indulge in a dazzling piece of jewelry to create an everlasting memory,” said Sharma (pictured), the brand ambassador of Gitanjali Jewels. Under the banner of “Leading Jewelers of the World” (LJOW), Gitanjali is…
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